HUD Interest Rate Reduction Loan Modification Program

Our HUD interest rate reduction loan program provides loan modifications for healthcare properties with existing FHA-insured debt.

Healthcare Facilities

Eligible Properties

Any property with existing HUD-insured loan.


Unchanged from existing mortgage, no term extension available.

Interest Rate

Locked before closing and fixed for the duration of the term. (Subject to market conditions.)


Customizable, typically a step-down period, other variations possible, based on market conditions and borrower preferences.

Loan Conditions

  • 1.05x DSC Ratio
  • The annual Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) is unchanged from existing mortgage.

Third-Party Reports

Property Capital Needs Assessment (PCNA) may be required.


Approximately 30 – 45 days for engagement, submission, FHA/HUD review, and closing.


Acquisition and Refinancing of Healthcare Properties

Our FHA/HUD Section 232/223(f) program provides long-term permanent financing for the acquisition or refinance of healthcare properties.

Healthcare Facilities

Eligible Properties

Licensed assisted living, skilled nursing homes, intermediate care, and board and care facilities.

  • Facility must be licensed by the state.
  • Facility must provide three meals per day.
  • Facility must provide continuous protective oversight.
  • Non-resident day care must not exceed 20% of gross area and 20% of gross income.
  • May include up to 25% non-licensed independent living units.

Eligible Borrowers

Experienced for-profit or not-for-profit owners. Single asset, special purpose entity.


Up to 35 years, or 75% of the remaining economic life, but no less than 10 years.

Interest Rate

Locked before closing and fixed for the duration of the term. (Subject to market conditions.)


Non-recourse for the duration of the term.


Customizable, typically a 10-year step down, based on market conditions and borrower preferences.


Subject to FHA/HUD and lender approval.

Loan Parameters

For-Profit 100% 80%* 1.45 .065% (0.45%)
Not-for-Profit 100% 85%* 1.45 .065% (0.45%)

(*For acquisition financing, LTV increase by 5%.)

HUD Fees and Expenses

  • FHA Application Fee of 0.30% of loan amount.
  • FHA Inspection Fee of the greater of $30 per /bed or 1% of repairs.

Commercial Space

Limited to 20% of net rentable area and 20% of effective gross income.

Third-Party Reports

Appraisal, Environmental, Property Capital Needs Assessment (PCNA).


Funds for repairs, deferred maintenance, and capital improvements for generally up to 15% of value can be included in the loan amount, subject to the maximum loan limitations.


Approximately 6-9 months for engagement, submission, FHA/HUD review, and closing. Process may vary due to Office of Residential Care Facilities volume.


Ginnie Mae guaranteed mortgage-backed securities.

Other Program Parameters

  • Escrows for property taxes, insurance, MIP and replacement reserves are required.
  • Cash-Out is not permitted.
  • Facilities financed under this program must be at least 3 years old.
  • Existing debt to be refinanced must be at least two years old unless it was used for an eligible purpose as defined by FHA (refinancing of prior eligible indebtedness, arms-length acquisition, property improvements, operating losses, etc.).
  • A master lease may be required when an owner finances 3 or more properties or $15 million or greater in combined loan amounts with the FHA healthcare programs within an 18-month period.


Refinancing of Healthcare Properties with Existing FHA-Insured Debt

Our FHA/HUD Section 232/223(a)(7) mortgage program provides for the streamlined refinance of an existing FHA-insured project.

Healthcare Facilities

Eligible Properties

All properties that currently have FHA-insured debt.


Up to 12 years extension of the original FHA-insured loan maturity, not to exceed the maximum term for the original loan program.

Interest Rate

Locked before closing and fixed for the duration of the term. (Subject to market conditions.)


Non-recourse for the duration of the term.


Customizable, typically a 10-year step down, based on market conditions and borrower preferences.


Subject to FHA/HUD and lender approval.

Loan Parameters

Maximum loan amount will be the lesser of the original principal balance when first insured or parameters below.

Assisted Living 100% 1.11
Skilled Nursing 100% 1.11

Fees and Expenses

  • FHA Application Fee of 0.15% of loan amount.
  • Mortgage Insurance Premium of 0.5% due to HUD at closing and 0.55% annually thereafter.

Third-Party Reports

Property Capital Needs Assessment (PCNA) required.


Approximately 3 - 4 months for engagement, submission, FHA/HUD review, and closing.


Ginnie Mae guaranteed mortgage-backed securities.

Other Program Parameters

Cash out is not permitted.


New Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation Loan

Our HUD Section 232 mortgage program provides long-term, low fixed-rate, non-recourse, assumable financing for the construction and permanent financing of healthcare properties.

Healthcare Facilities

Eligible Properties

Licensed assisted living, skilled nursing homes, intermediate care, and board and care facilities.

  • Facility must be licensed by the state.
  • Facility must provide three meals per day.
  • Facility must provide continuous protective oversight.
  • Non-resident day care must not exceed 20% of gross area and 20% of gross income.
  • May include up to 25% non-licensed independent living units.

Eligible Borrowers

Experienced, single asset, for-profit or not-for-profit owners.


Up to 40 years, fully amortizing (plus interest only period during construction).

Interest Rate

Locked before closing and fixed for the duration of the construction period and full 40-year term. (Subject to market conditions.)


Non-recourse for the construction period and duration of the term.


Customizable, typically a 10-year step down, based on market conditions and borrower preferences.


Subject to FHA/HUD and lender approval.

Loan Parameters

Assisted Living 90% 75% (80%) 1.45 .077% (0.45%)
Skilled Nursing 90% 80% (85%) 1.45 .077% (0.45%)

HUD Fees and Expenses

  • FHA Application Fee of 0.30% of loan amount.
  • FHA Inspection Fee of 0.50% of loan amount (new construction) and 0.50% of costs associated with construction (substantial rehabilitation).

Commercial Space

Limited to 10% of net rentable space and 15% of gross income.

Third-Party Reports

Market Study, Appraisal, Phase I Environmental, and Architectural & Cost Review.

Construction Wages

Local prevailing wages, as per Department of Labor, paid under Davis-Bacon Act.


Approximately 8 – 10 months for engagement, submission, FHA/HUD review, and closing.


Ginnie Mae guaranteed mortgage-backed securities.

Other Program Parameters

Escrows for property taxes, insurance, MIP, working capital, and replacement reserves are required.


Repairs, Additions, and Improvements to Healthcare Properties with Existing FHA-Insured Debts

Our FHA/HUD Section 232/241(a) program provides for the financing of repairs, additions, and improvements to facilities with an existing FHA-insured first mortgage.

Healthcare Facilities

Eligible Properties

Licensed assisted living, skilled nursing homes, intermediate care, and board and care facilities.


40 years or 75% of the remaining economic life, not to exceed the remaining term of the first mortgage without HUD approval.

Interest Rate

Locked before closing and fixed for the duration of the term. (Subject to market conditions.)


Non-recourse for the duration of the term.


Customizable, typically a step-down period, other variations possible, based on market conditions and borrower preferences.


Subject to FHA/HUD and lender approval.

Loan Parameters

Loans insured under 241(a) assume program characteristics of the underlying the mortgage insurance program.

Maximum Loan

The lesser of:

  • The amount of debt that can be serviced by 90% net operating income to the property after completion of the new improvements, less the current annual debt service requirements on all outstanding indebtedness relating to the property;
  • The lesser of 90% of (a) value, or (b) costs attributed to the repairs, additions or improvements;
  • The amount of debt which when added to existing outstanding indebtedness relating to the property, does not exceed 90% Loan to Value of the combined first mortgage and 241(a) addition.

HUD Fees and Expenses

  • The annual Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) ranges from 0.25% to 0.95% of the outstanding loan amount depending on loan and property parameters.
  • FHA Application Fee of 0.30% of loan amount.
  • FHA Inspection Fee of 0.50% of loan amount.

Third-Party Reports

Market Study, Appraisal, Phase I Environmental, and Architectural & Cost Review.


Approximately 6-9 months for engagement, submission, FHA/HUD review, and closing.


Ginnie Mae guaranteed mortgage-backed securities.

Other Program Parameters

  • Escrows for property taxes, insurance, MIP, working capital, and replacement reserves are required.
  • Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirements do apply to construction/repair costs if the first mortgage loan was financed under FHA’s construction loan program (Section 232). If the existing loan was financed under FHA’s acquisition/refinancing program (Section 232/223(f)) then Davis-Bacon prevailing wages do not apply.